Excel Monthly Attendance Sheet 100% Free Template

Excel Monthly Attendance Sheet

These conventional month to month participation layouts permit up to 30 understudy names to be entered.

Basically enter the Month and Year needed at the highest point of the participation sheet, along with your group subtleties.

Enter the day of the week under the relating day of the month.

We suggest that you recognize ends of the week by adding cell concealing. This will permit you to all the more effectively recognize the day of the week.

Download click here this link:- Download Excel Monthly Attendance Sheet Template

To download your participation layout in Microsoft Office Excel design just snap on the picture above.

With regards to the Monthly Attendance Template

Record Name:

ATT_EXCEL_GEN-Monthly Attendance_Template

Record Type:

Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Template (.xlt)


Microsoft Office Excel 2003 or later


Indeed - eliminate assurance from worksheet to correct

Page Setup:

A4 Landscape

Guidelines for use:

To one side of every month to month understudy record (the column for an understudy) under the STUDENT TOTALS header, the complete number of classes the understudy is Present, Late, Absent or Excused is naturally counted and the understudies participation rate for the month determined.

At the lower part of every day by day record (the section for a day) the all out number of understudies Present, Late, Absent or Excused that day is automatcially counted and a class participation rate determined.

Absolute participation rate figures are determined for all classes conveyed for the month to date.

Entering Month, Year, Subject/Course, Group, Time and Location

Enter subtleties of the Month, Year, Subject/Course, Group, Time and Location straightforwardly into the cells distinguished.

Entering Student Names

Enter the names of the understudies that are enrolled to go to the class under the Student Name header in section B.

I suggest that you enter the last name originally followed by the primary name of the understudy. Utilize the accompanying name configuration to guarantee consistency;

[SURNAME], [First name]

for example SMITH, John

By entering names in this organization, names can be arranged sequentially (climbing or slipping) by last name.

At the point when all enlisted understudy names have been entered in this configuration into section B, on the off chance that you have not entered them in order you can sort them by doing the accompanying.

1. Feature the Student Names in segment B that you need to arrange. Guarantee that the main cell chose is the Student Name: header in cell B8

2. From the Data menu select Sort...

Whenever incited, affirm that you wish to keep on arranging the current choice.

NOTE: If you have chosen cells in different segments a message will be shown illuminating you that changes can't be made until Protection is taken out.

The Sort exchange screen is shown.

Assuming that the Student Name header in cell C8 was chosen, STUDENT NAME ought to show up in the Sort by: determination box.

Select how you need your understudy names shown, Ascending or Descending sequentially.

Select OK and your understudies will be arranged.


Names will be arranged one after another in order by the primary letter of the understudy name entered. Take care not to enter a space before the understudy name as this will influence how the names are arranged.

Contemplate how you need the names arranged when calling the class register.

Enter names in an arrangement that best suit your necessities.

By utilizing the suggested name design above you will guarantee that understudy names are arranged by last name.

Stamping Attendance

All month to month participation layouts have been arrangement utilizing the accompanying default characters to recognize an understudies participation.

/ - Present

L - Late

X - Absent

E - Excused

To utilize various characters or images enter them into cells AH8 (PRESENT), AH9 (LATE), AH10 (ABSENT) and AH11 (EXCUSED).

Any remaining cells on the month to month participation format will refresh naturally with the characters went into these cells.

To stamp participation, click into a cell for a specific understudy and day and select a person starting from the drop list that compares to the understudies participation.